From educational institution to effective practices of classroom teaching, from training in the uses of technologies for education at different ages of life, and from disciplinary didactics to informal learning methods in popular education, the research objects such as the theoretical and methodological frameworks used cover a number of approaches deployed in Educational Sciences. Beyond the diversity characteristic of this multidiscipline, the members of CREAD strive to organize over the long term a unifying work space, bringing together a plurality of actors around scientific and training issues, but also institutional and political, in the sense etymological of the term, with a common aim of emancipation of subjects: learners, actors, citizens.

CREAD scientific project is based on:   a unifying epistemic horizon in the anthropological reference, with a dual aims of intelligibility and transformation, axiology of practices for the purposes of emancipation and empirical methods of investigation.

Beyond the specific theoretical frameworks, the recruitments made and the developments in the research of the team members, the epistemological positioning of CREAD remains deeply anchored in an anthropological approach. The CREAD researchers understand education and training as a global process, both biological and psychological, social, economic, cultural and political, inherent to human development.

CREAD is a member of the Doctoral School « Education, Langages, Interaction, Cognition, Clinique, Expertise » (ELICCE) :